This Devoted Life

10: Navigating Turbulence in Marriage

May 27, 2023 James and Shanda

The number one question we received on the topic of marriage was, "How do you keep your marriage a priority?" Using an airplane ride as a metaphor for marriage, we discuss overcoming turbulence and ways we keep our marriage a priority. Every marriage is unique, but we hope that by sharing our experience, we can encourage you to continue to grow in your marriage and walk with the Lord.

Here is what you can expect in this episode:
3:00 - Airplanes and Marriage
5:45 - Cruising Altitude
7:10 - Experiencing Turbulence
9:58 - Buckle Up
11:44 - The Eject Button
14:00 - Sharing Personal Things with the Opposite Sex
16:28 - Communication
21:31 - What do we do to keep marriage a priority?
24:35 - Landing the Plane
27:07 - What season are you in?

Revelation 19:7 - "Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready;"

Let's connect!
Website: This Devoted Life
Instagram: Devoted Motherhood