This Devoted Life

11: Intimacy in Marriage - When Sex Drives Differ

June 03, 2023 James and Shanda

When polling This Devoted Life Community about the topic of marriage, one of the biggest questions we received was on the topic of intimacy in marriage... specifically when sex drives differ and the frustrations that can arise from that. Out of respect for our marriage, we do not go into any specific details of our own marriage, but we wanted to discuss this topic because it is important for keeping marriages healthy.

Here is what you can expect in this episode:
2:30 – Intro to Topic with Disclaimers
4:46 – Does media affect our views about sex?
7:38 – Sex is good and important!
9:00 – What does it all boil down to? 
10:30 – When Resentment Arises
11:28 – Tips for Keeping Sex a Priority
16:00 – Communication is key!
17:00 – Another Disclaimer
18:38 – Keep Your Marriage Fresh
19:59 – Frustration and Communication
23:30 – Wrap Up

Navigating Turbulence in Marriage

Bible Verses:
Proverbs 5:18 - "Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth"

Proverbs 5:19 - "a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love."

Ephesians 5:22-23

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Website: This Devoted Life
Instagram: Devoted Motherhood