This Devoted Life

04: Postpartum Depression - 3 Things Husbands (and Friends!) Should Know

James and Shanda

Today we are talking about our experience with postpartum depression. Having experienced PPD 3 out of 4 pregnancies, we hope that by sharing our story, we can encourage you and give you practical ideas for supporting a mother who may be experiencing depression.

Here is what you can expect in this episode:
2:06 - Welcome
4:53 - Disclaimers
6:16 - What are Baby Blues?
8:39 - Baby Blues vs Postpartum Depression
10:42 - How husbands can get caught off guard
12:08 - Illogical Thoughts/Hormones
13:48 - Unable to Connect with Baby/Traumatic Birth
17:10 - Involve Family and Community
18:11 - Symptoms of PPD
20:34 - Learning to identify PPD
20:21 - Postpartum Rage
30:00 - Communication is Key
31:45 - Identifying Triggers
38:45 - How can you help?
43:05 - Habits that are formed during PPD
44:18 - Closing Thoughts

Mayo Clinic Postpartum Depression Symptoms

We'd love to hear from you! Let us know if there is anything you would like to hear more about in upcoming episodes.

Let's connect!
Website: This Devoted Life
Instagram: Devoted Motherhood